Course Catalog

ECE-1 Principles of Child Growth and Development

Language Development (2 Hours)
Media and Childhood Development (3 Hours)
Stages of Cognitive Development in Infants (1 Hour)
Stages of Cognitive Development in Preschoolers (1 Hour)
Stages of Cognitive Development in Toddlers (1 Hour)
Stages of Physical Growth and Development in Infants (1 Hour)
Stages of Physical Growth and Development in Preschoolers (1 Hour)
Stages of Physical Growth and Development in Toddlers (1 Hour)
Stages of Social and Emotional Development in Infants (1 Hour)
Stages of Social and Emotional Development in Preschoolers (1 Hour)
Stages of Social and Emotional Development in Toddlers (1 Hour)
Toilet Training (2 Hours)
Understanding Attention-Deficit Disorders (2 Hours)
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ECE-2 Safe and Healthy Learning Environment

Child Oriented Spaces (1 Hour)
Child Transportation and Safety (1 Hour)
Childhood Obesity (1 Hour)
Children's Immunizations (1 Hour)
Food Protection (1 Hour)
Foodborne Illness I (1 Hour)
Foodborne Illnesses II (1 Hour)
Health (1 Hour)
Health: Curriculum Development Tools (1 Hour)
Infant and Toddler: Health and Safety (2 Hours)
Infectious Diseases (2 Hours)
Nutrition (2 Hours)
Nutrition: Curriculum Development Tools (1 Hour)
Outdoor Play Safety (1 Hour)
Safety (2 Hours)
Safety and Security Procedures (2 Hours)
Safety: Curriculum Development Tools (1 Hour)
Shaken Baby Syndrome and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (1 Hour)
Special Interest Centers (1 Hour)
Whooping Cough (1 Hour)
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ECE-3 Advancement of Physical and Intellectual Development
Discovery of Math (1 Hour)
Early Literacy (1 Hour)
Equipment, Activities, and Strategies for Promoting Physical Activity (1 Hour)
Experiencing Music in the Classroom (1 Hour)
Learning My A,B,Cs (3 Hours)
Learning Through Play (1 Hour)
Methods for Enhancing Intellectual Development (2 Hours)
Physical Activity (1 Hour)
Physical Activity for Children with Disabilities (1 Hour)
Teaching Preschool Math Using Manipulatives (3 Hours)
Teaching Science to Young Children (1 Hour)
Use of Puppetry and Plays (3 Hours)
Using the Arts as a Teaching Tool (1 Hour)
Using Visual Arts to Enhance Development (1 Hour)
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ECE-4 Enhancement of Social and Emotional Development

Child Self-Esteem (1 Hour)
Childhood Anger and Anger Management (1 Hour)
Conflict Management for Children (1 Hour)
Guidance and Discipline in Child Care Settings (2 Hours)
Multiculturalism (1 Hour)
Praise and Rewards (1 Hour)
Special Care: Inclusion (1 Hour)
Stranger and Separation Anxiety (1 Hour)
Stress in Young Children (2 Hours)
Supporting Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Education (3 Hours)
Teaching Basic Social Skills (1 Hour)
Teaching Tolerance (1 Hour)
Assessing Childhood Development (2 Hours)
Assessing Children’s Physical Development (2 Hours)
Behavior Management for Young Children (1 Hour)
Bullying: Identification and Prevention (1 Hour)
Children’s Temperaments (1 Hour)
Documenting Children’s Behaviors (1 Hour)
Learning Styles (1 Hour)
Positive Solutions for Challenging Behaviors (2 Hours)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (1 Hour)
Recognizing Levels of Social Play (1 Hour)
Using Portfolios in Early Childhood Programs (2 Hours)
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ECE-5 Positive Relationships with Families

Communications and Diversity (2 Hours)
Effective Written Communication (2 Hours)
Encouraging Parental Involvement (1 Hour)
Helping Children Cope with Grief (2 Hours)
Open House (1 Hour)
Overcoming Difficulties in Communicating with Parents (1 Hour)
Relating with Parents (1 Hour)
Surviving Toddlerhood (2 Hours)
Working and Communicating with Families (1 Hour)
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ECE-6 Effective Program Operation

Assessing PreSchoolers with Special Needs (3 Hours)
Circle Time (1 Hour)
Confidentiality (1 Hour)
Creating Teachable Moments: The Value of Classroom Décor (3 Hours)
Development and Use of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) (2 Hours)
Early Childhood Programs for Multilingual Children (1 Hour)
Environmental Safety (1 Hour)
Risk Management (2 Hours)
Routines and Transitions (1 Hour)
Transition to Kindergarten (3 Hours)
Working with Children with Disabilities (1 Hour)
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ECE-7 Commitment to Professionalism

Anger Management (1 Hour)
Autism Awareness (2 Hours)
Child Abuse: Sexual Abuse Awareness (1 Hour)
Sexual Harassment Awareness Overview (1 Hour)
Stress Management Overview (1 Hour)
Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness (2 Hours)
Child Abuse: Identification and Reporting (1 Hour)
Child Abuse: Physical Abuse Awareness (2 Hours)
Computer Technology in Early Childhood Education (2 Hours)
Conflict Resolution Strategies (1 Hour)
Disability Laws Pertaining to Early Child Care (2 Hours)
Ethical Behavior (2 Hours)
Finding and Using Resources on the Internet (1 Hour)
AIDS Awareness (2 Hours)
Managing Your Child Care Business (3 Hours)
Professional Practices (1 Hour)
Reading Prescription Labeling (1 Hour)
Time Management Overview (1 Hour)
Effective Communication (1 Hour)
Introduction to Computer Technology (1 Hour)
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ADM-1 To develop and maintain an effective organization

Food Protection (1 Hour)
Foodborne Illness I (1 Hour)
Foodborne Illnesses II (1 Hour)
Safety and Security Procedures (2 Hours)
SIDS and Shaken Baby (1 Hour)
Nutrition (2 Hours)
Reading Prescription Labels (1 Hour)
Managing your Child Care Business (3 Hours)
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ADM-2 To plan and implement administrative systems that provide effective education and support programs

Working with Children with Disabilities (1 Hour)
Confidentiality (1 Hour)
Assessing Child Care Programs (2 Hours)
Ethics and Ethical Behavior (2 Hours)
Safety (2 Hours)
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ADM-3 To market the program to parents and the community

Open House (1 Hour)
Cross-Cultural Communication (2 Hours)
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ADM-4 To administer effectively a program of personnel management and staff development

Time Management (1 Hour)
Anger Management for Adults (1 Hour)
Conflict Resolution for Adults (1 Hour)
Staffing Child Care Programs (1 Hour)
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ADM-5 To maintain and develop the facility and equipment

Encouraging Parental Involvement (1 Hour)
Overcoming Difficulties Communicating with Parents (1 Hour)
Relating with Parents (1 Hour)
Preventing and Responding to Active Shooter Events (1 Hour)
Understanding and Preparing for Active Shooter Events (1 Hour)
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ADM-6 To possess legal knowledge necessary for effective management

Assessing Child Care Business Practices (1 Hour)
Assessing Child Care Programs (2 Hours)
Early Childhood Program Accreditation (3 Hours)
Staffing Child Care Programs (1 Hour)
Sexual Harassment Awareness Overview (1 Hour)
HIV/AIDS Awareness (2 Hours)
Disability Laws Pertaining to Early Child Care (2 Hours)
Development and Use of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) (2 Hours)
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ADM-7 To foster good community relations and to influence child-care policy that affects the program

Transitioning to Kindergarten (3 Hours)
Working and Communicating with Families (1 Hour)
Early Childhood Programs for Multilingual Children (1 Hour)
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ADM-8 To practice responsible financial management

Assessing Child Care Business Practices (1 Hour)
Risk Management (2 Hours)
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ADM-9 To maintain a commitment to ongoing personal/professional growth and development

Creating Teachable Moments: The Value of Classroom Décor (3 Hours)
Special Interest Centers (1 Hour)
Toilet Training (2 Hours)
Bullying: Identification and Prevention (1 Hour)
Early Childhood Program Accreditation (3 Hours)
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School-Age Care Professional Competency Goals (SAC)

SAC-4 Behavior Management for School-Age Children (1 Hour)
SAC-4 Social Skills for School-Age Children (2 Hours)
SAC-6 Assessing School Age Children with Special Needs (3 Hours)
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